People are conscious about the way they look, especially women. You find a lot of women asking “How can I get rid of dark spots on my face? How can I prevent pimples on my face? How do I removes stretch marks on my body?
Sometimes even, dark spots make your face look pretty bad and repelling. These dark spots are as a result of acne. Acne isn’t dangerous, but can leave skin scars. This happens to a lot of women and many of them end up using all sorts of cream on their faces. Beauty products are used widely by many people, but it’s all about understanding your skin type.
Have you ever considered using natural products on your skin?
Natural ingredients are good for the skin. There are certain natural ingredients that can be used to remove dark spots on your face and help maintain a healthy and clear skin. Same goes for other beauty products that are already processed; know your skin type.
Below are a few elements that will help you achieve this:
1. Firstly, DO NOT prick your acne or pimples. If you do so, it’ll leave a mark on your face which will eventually turn to a dark spot. You don’t want your face looking like that bad , do you?
2. Buy lemon juice. I’ve met a number of women who have used lemon juice on their faces and are very happy at the outcome. Lemon is said to be rich in Vitamin C which is very effective in removing acne spots. Massage your face with a lemon peel; do this regularly till you start seeing results. You can also mix two table spoon of lemon juice with 3 to 4 drops of honey and a little rose water in a bowl; apply on your face and wash off after 15 minutes.
3. Aloe vera gel also works. This is commonly known to work well on the face. Simply apply the gel on your face, regularly. It’ll help fade the dark spots.
4. Potatoes have also been known to remove dark spots. Simply apply potato slices directly to the dark spots. You can also grate the potato mixed with honey and apply as a face mask. This will also help to remove dark spots on your face.
There are some other remedies that can be used to get rid of dark spots on the face, but these would surely work for now. You have to be patient enough, because you won’t start noticing changes till about 5 to 6 weeks from the day you start. Keep your face clean by washing it at least twice a day. Lastly, avoid excessive touching or scratching the black spots.
I’m sure if you follow these tips, you’ll find your way to a smooth and healthy face. You can find supplements of these natural ingredients in various beauty products available in the JUMIA store.
This post was written by Ifeoma Okolie.