Breaking the Ice – Men’s Fashion


‘[rad-hl]Men’s Fashion[/rad-hl]’

Pick up lines, Do those even still work on any girl in over 400 tribes of our beloved country Nigeria? I strongly doubt. A ‘Hey, you owe me a drink…because when I looked into your eyes I dropped mine’ would most likely get you a drop-kick and a black eye more than anything else. One would think conversation starters would be the safer bet. Small talk ranging from how the day has been going to you talking about the “didn’t-see-that-coming twist in last night’s episode of Scandal”, usually would do the trick in another geographical location but not in Nigeria.

So, what hope does a poor guy just trying to have a nice little chat with a girl have? Sometimes in life the answer lies in the question. You need to up your game with your looks and look far from poor. A polished and refined look always goes a long way to set the mood right.  They say light travels faster than sound. By this well proven scientific fact, it means your appearance will provide people with an opinion about you long before you utter your first word. So it’s a no brainer that you should give your target no option but to hold you in high regard right from their first glimpse of you as there are no second chances to make a first impression.

To get yourself an appearance with presence and prestige which will not just break the ice but melt it off completely, you need to give your wardrobe a makeover with an array of perfectly tailored high quality apparels, statement suave shoes, wristwatches that are ahead of the times and gadgets that would make Inspector Gadget himself proud.

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This article was written by Yemi Kuti