It’s Jumia Baby Week! We know how much your little ones mean to you. From the first kick, to their first words and everything in between, being a parent is undoubtedly one of the best things that can ever happen to you.
This week, from today till Sunday the 17th, it’s all about you and your bundle of joy. Find items you need to be the world’s best parent that you are!
In the following categories, you can enjoy up to 60% percent off!
-Bath and Skin Care
-Baby Fashion
-Maternity Fashion
-Body Shapers
-Skin Care/Make-up
-Baby Feeding
-Feeding accessories
-Car Seats/Walkers
So head over to the Baby Week Store and you could be one of the winners of a 50, 000 naira shopping voucher from Pampers and an-expense paid spa session courtesy, Molfix. To qualify, post a cute picture and a 30-second video of your baby on Facebook with the name and link of your baby’s favourite product on the Baby Week Store. Use the hashtag #JumiaBabyWeek. Winners will be announced next week.
Don’t forget it’s still free delivery on diapers.
Happy Baby Week!