2019 Treasure Hunt Tips and clues here. The hunt started on the 16th of July with really exciting items at 99% off price in Jumia’s treasure hunt for the 6th anniversary. Many…
Tag: Jumia’s 6th Anniversary
Jumia 6th Anniversary has come and gone but it left behind lots of pleasant memories in the hearts and minds of many customers. Jumia’s Treasure Hunt was the high point of all…
It’s the 8th month of the year already. The year seems to be going by really quickly, I bet you could remember when we all shouted, with much excitement, “HAPPY NEW YEAR”….
Jumia’s 6th Anniversary: The After Party
Wow!! After 14 days of much fun, many giveaways and mind-blowing 99% discount on items the Jumia 6th anniversary party is done. It was much fun and brought great joy to many…
Jumia’s 6th Anniversary: Today’s Flash Sale Deals.
You can still make it! Make it how? You can still get your dream items of desire at a highly discounted and unbelievable price, all you need do is to download the…
Jumia’s 6th Anniversary: Today’s Flash Sales
Tick tick tick tick and the time keeps going. You don’t want to be left out on super amazing, mind-blowing and original deals with Jumia flash sales on this our 6th anniversary….
Jumia’s 6th Anniversary: Today’s Flash Sales
Jumia 6th anniversary is still on and you still have the opportunity to get for yourselves all you have on your wishlist. It’s very easy all you need do is to download…
Jumia’s 6th Anniversary: Friday’s Flash Sale.
We all love Friday, don’t we? This Friday promises to be very special and a Friday to remember. You really don’t want to be caught sleeping on a bike today. How? …
Jumia’s 6th Annivesary: Thursday’s Flash Sale
It is said that you never know the value of what you have till you lose it -That’s not the case always. Most people know the value of what they have when…
Jumia’s 6th Anniversary: Wednesday Flash Sales
Wisdom is learned after a series of foolishness a wise man once said. “A wise man of today was unwise yesterday”. Another great man said, “the difference between a wise man and…