Easy ways to lose weight and maintain good health at your desk


Did you know that good cholesterol levels actually decrease 20 percent and your risk of diabetes increases after only a couple hours of sitting? That is why it is recommend that we take many of their business calls standing up. Doing so burns 50 percent more calories than sitting, increases health benefits, and makes you less likely to snack.

Office workers, especially those with a desk job, spend most of the day sitting down working at a computer. It can be very easy to gain weight in an environment where you’re expected to sit still for anywhere from 8-9 hours a day. It’s hard to say no to the free office lunches and birthday cakes, but there are a few things you can do to avoid packing on the pounds just from sitting all day. Here are some steps you can use to avoid gaining weight while working a desk job, and perhaps lose some weight you’ve already gained.

Pack your lunches. Packing lunches is a great start to beat office weight gain. It’s so easy to fall into the habit of getting take out, cafeteria food or going to restaurants with friends. But many times those foods are much high in calories and fat. You can control those factors when you pack your own healthy meal with a lunch box.

Move every 60-90 minutes. There are a variety of side effects associated with sitting too long—anything from weight gain and back problems to loss of muscle mass and softening of your bones. To prevent these health conditions, move around every hour. Don’t let yourself get caught too long at your desk without moving.

Choose healthy restaurant options. Whether it’s a company meeting or someone’s birthday, you’ll probably eat out a few times for lunch. Try to stick to healthier options when you’re eating out. Remember, restaurant food generally is higher in calories.

Count your steps. Pedometers and fitness bands are a popular ways to monitor how much you step and move throughout the day. Aiming for at least 10,000 steps or about five miles a day may help you lose or maintain your weight and help keep you in shape.

Ditch large or carbohydrate rich meals. Big meals or ones that are high in carbohydrates like pasta or pizza, can make you feel tired, foggy and groggy – like a “food coma” – in the afternoon. This can trigger more snacking afterwards for a needed jolt of energy.

Snack healthy. You will need a snack once in a while, especially if you work long hours or there’s more than 4-5 hours between any two of your meals. If you can’t rely on healthy vending machine choices, pack your own snacks. That way, you won’t be tempted by sugary treats!

Drink 64 ounces of water daily. A minimum of eight glasses or 64 oz of clear, sugar-free liquids like water, iced tea or no-calorie flavored waters will help you maintain a healthy diet and body. Often, dehydration feels like hunger and tempts you to snack or eat more than you should.

Remove temptations from your desk. Spend some time going through your desk, cubby or locker and remove any treats or tempting foods you may have hidden away. Once all the candy, chips and crackers are gone, you can replace those items with healthier snacks