Ladies! 5 Tips to Reduce Hair Breakage


I recently overheard a conversation between two ladies and one of them asked how she can stop her hair from breaking. I then decided to do a blog post on how to stop hairs from breaking.

Firstly you need to know the things or activities that can make your hair break. Once you stop or reduce these activities, you can then talk about alternative ways to stop your hair from breaking.

According to one of Nigeria’s top Hair Blogger,, Before she took her hair journey seriously, she experienced a lot of breakage. When combing her hair sometimes, she would often see a lot of broken strands on the floor. It was as if she was going to go bald any moment.  But she did a couple of things to reduce breakage to a minimum:

  • Deep condition often: I deep conditioned my hair once every 2 weeks to reduce the breakage. There are two types of deep conditioners– protein & moisture. The protein deep conditioners strengthen your while the moisturizing one adds some moisture to your hair. You can alternate your use of them or mix them together during your wash day.
  • Trim your hair regularly to get rid of split ends: Trim your hair at least every 5 months in order to get rid of split hair. You can set your own time period for when you want to trim you hair. It depends on whether you have split ends or not.
  • Reduce your use of hair straighteners & hair dryers: When you apply lots of direct heat on your hair, it can weaken the healthy state of your hair and you become prone to breakage. Not saying you should not use them at all.
  • Moisturize & seal-in moisture daily: Moisturizing your hair daily with water or leave-in conditioners helps to reduce breakage. Also remember to apply your favorite oil on your hair after the moisture as a sealant.
  • Protective Styling: You can protect your own hair by using various styles like buns, Bantu knots, wigs,etc in order to reduce to much manipulation of your own hair. Excessive manipulation can lead to hair breakage.

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