Fri-nally! It’s Friday again!!! TGIF!!!! Turn up time! Sure, a lot of us want to be great tonight but our budget would not let us be great. Turning up isn’t exactly cheap in Lagos. Quite a few of the bars and clubs don’t serve individual drinks on Friday; it’s either the whole bottle or nothing. So the bill at the end of the night tends to be a bit steep. I can’t begin to count the number of times I’ve been walking out the gate at Vapours, Sip or Quilox and seen people arguing with staff about their bill (Yes, I tend to stay out that late… And So?).
Please, fam, if your wallet is not in a clubbing mood, respect yourself and stay in your house! Lagos streets are sweet at night, I know. But you know what else is sweet- not being embarrassed at the end of the night. It’s actually ok to not go out. Having Cheap Thrills is a perfectly acceptable way of spending a Friday night. Especially with bae or friends next to you.
Here are five ways to guarantee you have Cheap Thrills this night:
1. Host friends: You don’t have to empty your wallet or set up a special savings account just to invite your friends over. SImply make sure you have a few drinks to go around, a LED Tv and a solid Home Theatre to bring the party to your house..
2. Go To The Beach: The beach is the perfect place to unwind and watch nature’s soothing elements+meet great people.
3. Attend Free Events: Lagos is an interesting city in which something fun always comes up every moment. Many of these events are free or next to free. You can simply unwind by simply attending these events and meet great people.
4. Game Nights: Have your friends over to play your favourite games, a few snack and drinks from the fridge for the guests
5. Visit Friends: Its a great time to visit friends and family, have fun and eat good food.