Tired of fakes? So are We!



If you’ve bought an item thinking it’s an original, but it turned out to be fake, we offer our sincerest apologies. The counterfeit market isn’t limited to just handbags and designer clothing anymore—much to our dismay, knockoff makeup, mobile phones and fragrance sales have been on the rise.

At Jumia, the sale of fake products by sellers is strictly prohibited. This includes products that have been illegally replicated, reproduced, or manufactured. We constantly check and sanction vendors or Jumia sellers who list fake products. From the 15th of June 2017, we are taking additional measures to prevent counterfeit products by introducing a steep penalty fee for any vendor or seller on the Jumia platform who uploads or sells fake products on the Jumia platform. As usual, vendors who are found to consistently be at fault will be immediately de-listed from the Jumia platform

We are committed to delivering on our promise to provide the most effortless and reliable online shopping environment, to offer our customers the widest range of genuine products at low prices.

For tips on how we detect fakes check out samples on this link.  



One thought on “Tired of fakes? So are We!”

  1. Good one jumia.
    This is what loyal customers have been clamouring for.
    Fake products are bad for jumia’s image.
    Jumia still the best among the lot.
    Let’s keep it that way!
    And keep it ???? real!

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