Placing an order and getting it delivered to your doorstep is one of the best conveniences that come with shopping on Jumia. As a new customer, an address where your order is…
Category: General
Celebrating our essential workers
Today is International Workers’ Day, the one day we’ve set aside every year to celebrate all the workers that keep our businesses and economies going. But in these uncertain days where people…
Free delivery on home essentials: Coca-Cola partners with Jumia
We can all agree that these are unprecedented times. Remote working, closed schools and social distancing have become essential to reduce risk as the pandemic looms. This means going out to get…
Celebrating Easter at home
The world right now might seem as crummy as it has ever been, with most people forced to stay at home amidst the ongoing coronavirus outbreak. But this does not mean we…
Stay Safe: Jumia and Reckitt Benckiser partner to fight the coronavirus
The coronavirus is currently the most dreaded and talked about virus in the world today, and for good reason. In the short span of four months, COVID-19 has infected more than 300,000…
5 ways to show you care this Mother’s Day
It’s Mother’s Day once again, but one might be forgiven for not remembering that amidst all the coronavirus talk. Except now more than ever is the time to show some appreciation for…
International Women’s Day 2020: Each for Equal
Today is International Women’s Day (IWD), a day set aside to celebrate women and their achievements throughout history and across nations. The theme for this year’s celebration is #EachforEqual, and as stated…
Social Media Week Lagos 2020
Today marks the end of the week-long 2020 edition of Social Media Week Lagos. Taking place at Landmark Center, the eighth iteration of Africa’s largest tech and business event (as it was…
The Mastercard Reward winner emerges
Remember back when we held a competition for Mastercard users on our website? Well, a winner has emerged and his name is Wilson Anine. Wilson just won himself two tickets to a…
7 Reasons To Shop Online
We live in a fast-paced world where everything evolves in a flash. The global market today is no exception to the changing world. Many stores and services have now taken their businesses…